my life goes on

Thursday, November 30, 2006

I am still a quilter..really

After what seems like an eternity, I'm sewing. My mother-in-law loves decorating for Christmas, and since we're living here, we got roped into decorating also. Most of the decorations are up. The mad rush to do the cooking for her very large Christmas party has yet to start.

I have the excuse of making Christmas presents to spend time in my room with the door shut. The only problem with this is that there is little light in my room.

I made these over the Thanksgiving break:

The paper came from a whole portfolio of handmade papers that I got from a neighbor. I think it's rice paper. It is white underneath the paint and Shiva sticks. The Chinese symbols are for faith, hope, and love. I liked the arrangement of them on the stamp. The other stamps just didn't fit the format.

I also made a set of these:

These were for a pie competition that my family decided to have on Thanksgiving. I'm not sure what they are - perhaps a large mug rug? I gave all participants one. I have the ones that have misspellings on them. Having lively conversations while trying to spell 'mighty fine' in stamps is evidently beyond me.

I put a couple of cards up in my shop on etsy. I also have a very strange bark painting on eBay.

I don't know what it is or where it came from. I got it in the same portfolio of paper as the Japanese paper. If you know something about it, please tell me! my eBay id is 'miiii'.

Off to do the housework-of-the-day and hopefully do sewing.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Christmas decorating a la Groman

I have been drafted - as in, involuntarily - into the Groman Christmas Decorating Frenzy. My mother in law decorates the decorations. We're all putting in about 3 hours a day, and she works from dawn to dusk putting up decorations. It takes her from now till Christmas - usually it takes her two months to put up the decorations.

I'm sure there's a quilt in here somewhere.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Tag...I'm it!

Ok, no, YOU're it!

If you're one of the first five people to comment on this post, I'll send you a small piece of artwork!

I got this from Deborah . No anonymous or no-reply commenters - I need to be able to contact you by email to organize the swap. The only requirement is that you offer the same to 5 respondents on your own blog.

On the creative end - the sum total of the past week and a half is a medieval princess costume for Ms Anna (she of the black eye). And I don't even have a picture of it yet.

My in-laws are now back in residence (with us, or rather they are now here and we are their guests with them here...or something else confusing). I have been put to work helping clean out their RV and the 'baby' camper, cleaning out the garage, and getting out Christmas decorations. So far things are fine.

I'm working on postcards for a swap using fabric and paper. This one has got me plain ol' stumped. I am not sure why, but there is a huge block.