my life goes on

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Many things have happened

I no longer live in Austin. I am unlikely to ever go back. Nor are my children.

But enough of that.

I am living , now, in a WONDERFUL house near (in) Houston, Texas, with my daughters AND my husband AND my dog! I'm unpacking , still. I'm working on my sewing room (YES I have my OWN room with a door that shuts!!!) and hoping to actually get some sewing done, at some point in the future.

I am still working with Coldwater Creek and still love it.

Hopefully I'll get pictures loaded into the computer soon and something up to show that I am real.

test test test. this is just a test. If this were an actual emergency, I'm not sure what you should do, but I don't think reading my blog would be it.