my life goes on

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Trees II.
Trees I lives with my mom. It was a postcard. This one is a bit larger. The third one is the one I posted previously - I'm still working on it. These have gotten successively larger. I hope this isn't a trend!

Recital Time!

See my gorgeous dancers?

The picture below is one of my 'extra daughters', Monica (she's the one in black). This is at her high school graduation. The other two girls are my necessary (as opposed to extra) daughters.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

More stuff I've done lately...
This is a silk paper landscape (4 x 6). I've already wrapped it for (hopeful) sale, so it looks rather dull.

Lizbeth's 16th birthday card - the true color is much more blue than this!

Anna's school project! Doesn't it look yummy?

Anna did an 'in-depth' project on Anne Frank. Part of the project was to have an actual product - not just a written report. This is part of the "Autonomous Learner " program they're doing at school (a gifted program).

Anna chose to cook a Jewish Sabbath meal.
She made the Challah by herself, except for the kneading (she had to go to dance), she made the Matzo balls for the soup, and she did about half the baklava. It was all good. I delivered it to the school today, we'll see how much comes back home! Posted by Picasa

Through the Trees III...

You can't really see this the way I thought you could. The sparkles are Angelina. I tried some half-hearted embroidery on the tops of the foreground trees, but it looks stoopid.

Still thinking about what else to do to this. Posted by Picasa