my life goes on

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Edouard takes a pass

I think most of the people who read my occasional updates (all one of you) know...but Edouard luckily came ashore about 60 miles north and sooner than expected (therefore weaker than expected). We got lots of wind and rain, and the good part is that the wind blew down all the dead palm branches so we didn't have to borrow the neighbors' extension ladder and cut them ourselves.

It was rather interesting, actually, the differences between storms in Mississippi and here. In Mississippi, we had big storms (like, uh, tornadoes), but they were fairly short-lived - like maybe a couple of hours? Edouard's wind blew for about 10. Not terribly loud, but constant.

Everything cleared up pretty quickly this time. I even went to work at 4 pm. Not that anyone much was shopping.

On the more cheerful side, I am almost done with the broken finger bit. I'll get Liz to send me the picture of me at my worst - with a splint on one finger and a cast on the other. I've got 6 more days of the splint on my left hand. All the nice tough skin has come off that middle finger and it's still numb at the tip, but I'm experimenting with typing tonight.

So You Think You Can Dance is on...gotta go watch...


At 8:11 AM, Blogger Karen said...

I read whenever you post, I have my Google Reader set up to get your feed. I enjoy hearing what you are up to and think of you whenever I make your Cold Rice Salad or Sour Cream Banana bars, both family favorites.

At 10:43 AM, Blogger sher said...

Thanks, Karen! I think about y'all too.

I'm slowly getting into creating stuff again. Life is pretty stressful right now - Anna will be going to a special high school next year (arg! She's 15 next month!) and Bekah had a grand mal seizure last week (never had any before). What a soap opera I live.




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