my life goes on

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Dreary Wednesday

No pictures today. My camera's gone walkabout.

I've been knitting like crazy. B. and L. are supposed to have been Confirmed today, and I'm knitting a camisole for L. to wear - it's not quite finished! If you add to that the fact that neither is B.'s skirt finished, I guess it's Divine Intervention that the bishop hurt his back and Confirmation's been postponed.

Actually, I could have finished it all, but when we heard that Bishop Latino wasn't going to make it, I took a break.

In addition I was asked to rehearse our kids on the music they will sing for the Confirmation Mass. However, I haven't been given actual music. Just words.

Anna's got standardized tests this week and is homework-less. What joy for her. In reality, she's got to plan (and we have to cook) a Jewish Sabbath meal for Friday as a "product" for her research project on Anne Frank. She picked the meal because she thought it would be easy. I think she thinks that I'll do it all and she can just carry it into the classroom. Ha. Of course, I'm at a loss for what to have except Challah.

In the studio corner, today I finished quilting the 'birthday cards' for B. and L, and quilted a teeny-tiny landscape.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Happy Easter Monday!

I went for a walk this morning...and found this wisteria right along my property line! I guess I've just never walked at the right time of year before. They smell lovely. It's a tree form of wisteria. Darn it. I love those twisty, knarled looking wisteria vines. I should be grateful that they're even there. I wonder if I can get in there and dig some up without my neighbor caring. Probably.

I was feeling a bit guilty because I put in pictures of B. and L. and not one of my A. so here she is: Perpetual Motion Girl!

I found the pattern for these lovely rabbits at Wee Wonderfuls (I don't know how to put the link in yet!). Ain't they cute? They are named Kasuri and Shibori (for fairly obvious reasons). See, honey, I do too use my fabric!

Below are this year's pysanky. So far. We're still working on them. The picture on the bottom shows two of my new method: vinegar etching. My friend Carla got some new chickens this year which lay colored eggs. Light blue ones don't etch well, as usually the color goes all the way through the shell, but the green eggs (and brown which come from her Buff Orpingtons) have color only on the outside of the shell. When you wax the shell and then dip it in vinegar, the color comes off...

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

hIpPy pAPy BthdThdy!

See my Gorgeous Girls? They're 16 now! We did the learner's permit thing, the birthday cake thing, and the present thing. They're bummed because we did have school yesterday, but with this being Holy Week, so many church services (that I will be working for), and Anna having Friday and Monday off, I figured we'd end up with too much time off to take yet another day off. They didn't do much anyway.

L. got an aquamarine necklace and diamond (gasp) earrings.

B. got an amethyst necklace and some diamond (gasp) earrings.

A. keeps reminding me that she's only 3 years away from being 16. I told her that by that time, we'd be so broke from sending her sisters to college that we'd buy her jewelry at the Dollar Store.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

leaflet quiltlet

This is my quiltlet I made last weekend. I'm very tickled with it. It looks rather Melody-Johnson-esque. Perhaps because I made it with her fabric.