my life goes on

Monday, August 25, 2008

making stuff

I've gotten over my fear of the sewing room and made a path through the extra supplies that have no home as yet.
This is the result of a day spent with the Out of Bounds group doing fabric collage. Now I'm stuck. So it's sitting around attracting fabric to itself. I think the fish was originally a bass, but who knows?

This is the basis of my 'page 24 challenge', also for the Out of Bounds bee. Page 24 was the page of a magazine on flying (as in , airplane) I pulled from a stack. It was a boring page - no pictures - on the Civil Air Patrol's search for Steve Fossett last fall. The part of the page that inspired me was the description of marking topographical maps with purple squares for the areas that had been searched. Well, heck, it said purple!
Tim says this is boring. It's meant to be just a base for whatever embellishment I can come up with for the next layer! I actually brought myself to cut up a marbled fabric for this, so I'd better finish it! I've got two weeks.
I have my interview for Sales Lead (still with Coldwater Creek, but a full-time position) tomorrow. I'm not sure if I'm nervous or not. I'm not sure I'll get it or not.
I just noticed...Purple Squares uses the same color scheme as The Woods Are Lovely. I wonder if this is some deep psychological issue I'm working through.

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Edouard takes a pass

I think most of the people who read my occasional updates (all one of you) know...but Edouard luckily came ashore about 60 miles north and sooner than expected (therefore weaker than expected). We got lots of wind and rain, and the good part is that the wind blew down all the dead palm branches so we didn't have to borrow the neighbors' extension ladder and cut them ourselves.

It was rather interesting, actually, the differences between storms in Mississippi and here. In Mississippi, we had big storms (like, uh, tornadoes), but they were fairly short-lived - like maybe a couple of hours? Edouard's wind blew for about 10. Not terribly loud, but constant.

Everything cleared up pretty quickly this time. I even went to work at 4 pm. Not that anyone much was shopping.

On the more cheerful side, I am almost done with the broken finger bit. I'll get Liz to send me the picture of me at my worst - with a splint on one finger and a cast on the other. I've got 6 more days of the splint on my left hand. All the nice tough skin has come off that middle finger and it's still numb at the tip, but I'm experimenting with typing tonight.

So You Think You Can Dance is on...gotta go watch...