Lots of catch up

I'm having a rough week. I am NOT 'getting' my wonderful embroidery class from Joggles. I think it's the hand embroidery thing (hey, I love my machine!), but it could also be the fact that I am trying to do hand embroidery with a broken finger (again). I working with Susan's style is a definite stretch for me. That's a good thing.
I also had a good friend ask me to never contact her again. While this is because of her personal issues, it is still a hole in my heart. I have been journaling this , and it's amazing how cathartic it is to put 3 layers of black Sharpie (c) on a page! I might go throw some things as well. In Mississippi, we used to take the bad eggs that happened when making Pysanky and throw them at trees. We had almost 2 acres, so the smell didn't reach the house. With our tiny lot here, our neighbors would hate us, so perhaps I won't throw eggs.
This wonderful picture is one of Bekah's self-portraits. She is such an amazing artist! This portrait will be in a Houston art exhibition called "Young at Art" and may go on a nation-wide year-long tour. I'm not sure I want to let it out of my hands. She better give it to me or I will just plain steal it. She can have it after I am dead and gone!
It is really a professional quality portrait.
She will be going to Mississippi University for Women in the fall, with a major planned in Creative Writing (and I'm sure she'll stick some art in there somewhere).

Poor Tim has been waiting for so long (25 years) for his quilt. I am almost (I think) done with it. I have most of the center quilted and then the final border to do. Do not try to quilt a king-size quilt under a home machine, unless you like lots of frustration. My humble opinion.