my life goes on

Saturday, December 16, 2006


Major nuclear fallout is occurring here. The funniest part of it has been when, after Bekah having a 4-hour meltdown over not being able to watch "Dr. Who", my father-in-law walked into my room and said "You can't tell me that this is normal behavior". Seriously. I won't Tell All because you never know who is reading blogs. But I am having a hard time trying to walk a tightrope and defend my children from the criticism - forget about me. I can handle whatever they dish out.

I am super homesick for my husband and my dog and all my 'stuff'. Not the clutter , though I do find it comforting, but my art stuff. I didn't realize how much we all are used to creative possibilities. I'm mad at my husband, too, because I feel like he talked me into this situation. And he sure isn't supporting my side of things! My father-in-law thinks I need to sell my sewing machines 'because they take too much space'. My husband said it sounded like a good idea. Now tell me, can one live with such a man?