Yet more PEARS
Have I said that I like pears? I did?

My number 2 daughter has had a horrible week. Actually, I've had the horrible week. She has dragged us all through her three-hour temper tantrums every night - and every morning. It just tonight occurred to me that this is the same behavior Anna had last year when school got too much for her. Bekah's grades are good - actually great, but she's working so hard at home that she's never getting all her work done. I've contacted her counsellor and I hope we'll get some accomodations in place. I hope they don't want to wait until she fails the class to decide she needs the adjustments.
And come to think of it, Anna's having the same difficulties. However, with Anna we already have the 504 and IEP in place. Bekah's difficulty is going to be that she is so articulate and seems so 'normal' unless you happen to live with her.
The quilt store I've found here has two job openings, and I picked up an application. Do you think I'd actually make any money? It would be fun, anyhow. I bet I'd meet lots of people. And it's not like I've never worked in any fabric stores before (I've worked in 4). Of course, I never brought home any paychecks from those jobs, either!
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