my life goes on

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

News Flash!

I've moved.

I've moved west of the Mississippi. This is big.

I'm now in Austin, Texas, courtesy of my very generous in-laws. Tim is job-hunting.
My girls are all starting back in school tomorrow - I will actually have time without children for the first time in YEARS! And the last year they were in public school I ended up working at the school - so that makes 5 years since I've had kid-free days.

I'm making lots of stuff. Unfinished stuff, but stuff. Here are a couple of pictures:

I only brought my fused fabrics and silk paper, so I am limited in my color schemes and styles of fabric. I think that's a good thing - I think. So far, it's fine. I have very little space to work, and since at the moment I'm sharing a bedroom with Anna, I have to clean up my whole workspace every day. New concept.

In fact, I am keeping the whole house clean. And tidy. And I have to check the girls' rooms as well, since tidiness is very important to my in-laws. And you know what? I like it! I am so glad to be able to practice being neat - and I hope to gosh that I can do this in my own house when Tim gets here. I think it will require much tossing of stuff.


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