my life goes on

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Ah, Freedom!

Tim has taken the girls camping in Arkansas with his parents. I did not go. I am at home alone.

I think I would like to live alone. It's nice. It's quiet. It's stress-free. I can eat healthy meals, with no argument. So what if I think that peach cobbler is a great breakfast? And I don't have to share it. No one complains if there is no meat on the dinner table. Everyone here loves my cooking.

I've unfortunately NOT slept in like I planned to. Why is it that when you CAN sleep in, you CAN'T? I woke up at 7 am and couldn't get back to sleep.

So instead I dyed silk roving green:

Mama, I thought of you. I love most of the greens. For some reason I keep ending up with that indigo blue. And it's not my favorite. But that blacky/greeny/blue in the center, I love that one.

These are silk carrier rods. I don't really know what they ARE, but I think they are some sort of deformed cocoon. They're crunchy in texture and have that great silk shimmer. I haven't actually done anything with them, I just like the way they look.

I'm reading this evening. Just sitting in the chair reading. Lizbeth got "The Phantom of the Opera" (sorry, can't figure out how to properly punctuate that right now) and I guess I'll read that.

Tomorrow I will Make Stuff. And find my sketch journal.

More peach cobbler (good Chilton Co. Alabama peaches) is in order.


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