Back to school !
The girls started school yesterday - the first time back to public school for Anna in 4 years, the first time for school outside the home for Bekah and Liz in 4 years. Lemme tell ya, I am so glad! I learned a lot of stuff home schooling, and I think I learned enough...grin...though it's a terrific thing, and I wouldn't trade my time home schooling for anything under the sun. It's just that that phase is over and it's time to move on. Perhaps like how one feels when the youngest child is potty-trained?

Bekah and Lizbeth started 10th grade. Lizbeth is taking Geometry, Chemistry, English, Latin II, Dance, and World Geography. Bekah is taking Algebra I, Introduction to Physics and Chemistry, English, Latin II, Art, and World Geography. For the first time ever, they have absolutely no classes together!
Anna is in 7th grade and is taking Texas History, Math, English, Science, Drama (!), Photography (!!), and has a study period on the "Focus" room . Those of you who know Tim will be on the edges of your seats, as I am, to see if she can do the same things with a camera that her Papa does.
Me? I'm going to volunteer in both schools as a way to meet people, join a bible study at church, and look to meet local quilters/artists. And work on making yet more stuff.
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