things I like about this place
Living in my in-laws' house isn't so bad. There are good things.
1) I have a nice BIG kitchen
2) I have a nice big pantry (already stocked!)
3) GROCERY STORES! Those of you who know me know how much I hated the one-step-from-rotten produce I got back 'home'. I ask you, who wouldn't be thrilled with 6 kinds of pears in one grocery store? And that's not even Central Market!
4) the church is down the street. As in, closer than 2 miles. And it's just up the street from the high school - so I can drop the girls off and get to daily Mass. Wow.
5) The YMCA is only 3 miles away and it has some faint-see (fancy, for those who don't speak suthen drawl) weight machines!
6) I don't have to drive 70 miles for the pediatric psych! In fact, she's closer than the YMCA!
7) a quilt shop
8) a quilt guild. And I live close enough to actually be able to participate.
9) two (at least) bead shops
11)Grocery stores!
12) not least - the schools (the reason I'm here). Anna's school is soo terrific. The special ed department - her "Focus" team - is just out of this world. She's doing well, and we have minimal fits over homework. Bekah and Lizbeth are doing well, also, though the dance classes Liz is able to take at the high school (for credit!) are not challenging to her. I won't say more about that.
13) I don't have all the clutter from my house! I am able to housekeep!
14) grocery stores!
There are, of course, things that aren't so great. It's hot. I do miss my husband. And my dog. And I'm a long way from my family. And my stash and my sewing stuff. Though I have hopes of getting some my sewing stuff gradually sent down here...Like, hon, that thread that I need for my purple trees? And the egg lathe so I can do the pysanky?
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