my life goes on

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

And Now For Something Completely Different

A Quilt! Ok, a quiltlet.

Can you guess who taught the workshop I took last weekend? Laura Wasilowski, of course.

It was great fun (LOVED the music) and a blast. Her presentation on "Me, It's all about Me" (is that really the title?) was also hilarious. If you get a chance, take anything she offers.

I'm trying to get back into creative mode. I sold 5 cards over my Christmas 'holiday' (if one can call it that) and need to put more up on Etsy. I also am waaaay behind on two postcard swaps (thank you to my patient swap-mates). I know what I'm going to do , I'm just feeling paralyzed.

There. I think I'm through talking for today.


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