my life goes on

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

First of all, I can't find my camera. So I can't take a picture of my ribbon I won at the Lakeview Area Quilter's guild show! Wahoo! "The Woods Are Lovely, Dark and Deep" won a second this time. In the Smoky Mountain Quilter's Guild show last year it got an Honorable Mention. I think it's finished it's career; every time I fold it up for moving some of the Angelina works its way out.

Second, I can't seem to make anything. I have done every thing I can do to avoid going into my sewing room. So I finally made myself go in yesterday and today. And I cut stuff up and moved it around and finally threw it all on the floor in a temper tantrum. And I still can't make stuff. Now I have to go back to work for the next 5 days (that's what happens when you get three in a row off).


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